Ehmad (17)


Streaming live audio over Wi-Fi with an ESP8266

Streaming live audio over Wi-Fi with an ESP8266 is a fascinating project but has some limitations due to the hardware’s constrained resources. The ESP8266 is designed for IoT applications and may not handle high-quality audio streaming directly. However, with careful design, it’s possible to achieve…

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Ehmad debuging a router

Tenda Listener - PHP Script This PHP script is designed to receive, display, and log HTTP requests sent to the server. It is particularly useful for debugging and inspecting the data sent by devices connecting to a Tenda router. Specifically, it can capture data sent…

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Create a simple seismograph with BMI160 6-DOF

Using the BMI160 6-DOF (Degrees of Freedom) Accelerometer and Gyroscope Module is a much better option than a microphone for a DIY seismograph! The BMI160 has a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope, which allows it to detect minute changes in acceleration and orientation. With…

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